Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Claire McCaskill supports ACORN

Knowing of ACORNs criminal activity, Claire McCaskill voted down a bill (HR 1388) in the Senate that would restrict stimulus funds from being funneled to the organization. In addition to fraudulent voter activity, ACORN hired out to protest specific targets. While ACORN denies that they take any type of tax money, DISCOVERTHENETWORKS.ORG tells the story.

See ACORNs involvement with bank collapse

Monday, March 30, 2009

U City Bond Issue Stirs Debate

From STLToday:

— A proposal to demolish Pershing and Barbara C. Jordan elementary schools and replace them with new schools has sharply divided the community and is under attack by historic preservation groups.

The plans are part of a $53.6 million bond issue proposal on the ballot April 7.

The money also would be used to renovate four other schools: Jackson Park and Flynn Park elementary schools, Brittany Woods Middle School and University City High School. School officials say some of the buildings are becoming decrepit and students need more up-to-date facilities.

Read more from STLToday

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obama fires GM CEO

Automotive genius and economic expert, Barack Obama, has fired GM CEO, Rick Wagoner.

From Fox News:

GM CEO Rick Wagoner is stepping down immediately, sources told FOX Business on Sunday, and is being succeeded by the company’s Chief Operating Officer, Fritz Henderson.

GM declined to comment on the reports about Wagoner’s resignation.

A White House official told FOX Business that Wagoner was asked by the Administration to step down as a precondition for the company to continue to get help with its restructuring.

Go to Fox News Article

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

University City passes on opportunity to reduce taxes

With a University City School bond about to be paid off, the school board has chosen to completely tear down two school buildings and rebuild them. Instead of passing this savings on to the citizens, the board proposes this new construction and the related capital expense.

The school board states that disrepair of the buildings is the reason for this action. However, the question is, why have these buildings not been properly maintained?

Considering the state of the economy, a tax savings to the citizens would be very helpful.

Last night the City Council voted to support the issue.

See: U. City backs school improvement plan

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Obama budget would generate unsustainably large deficits


Washington -- President Barack Obama's budget would generate unsustainably large deficits averaging almost $1-trillion a year over the next decade, according to the latest congressional estimates. The Congressional Budget Office figures predict Mr. Obama's budget will produce $9.3-trillion worth of red ink over 2010-2019. That's $2.3-trillion worse than the White House predicted in its budget. Worst of all, the CBO says the deficit under Mr. Obama's policies would never go below 4 per cent of the size of the economy, figures that economists agree are unsustainable. By the end of the decade, the deficit would exceed 5 per cent of gross domestic product, a dangerously high level. The figures could imperil efforts to enact Mr. Obama's budget.

Obama goon squads take to street

Obama's initiates loyalty oaths in order to continue his far reaching objectives. Organizing efforts can be see at my.barackobama.com!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lets not forget who did this

Get Involved

Are you worried about the economy or the direction our federal or Missouri government is taking us?

The Republican Party is represented by a group of dedicated individuals that will help you get involved. They can show you how to help with elections, write letters and get you involved with upcoming elections. They can even help you run for office.

Contact them at:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Revolution is on the way

Just don't let the State Police find you!

Are you a terrorist?

Fly this flag, participate in a "Tea Party", make it known publicly that you are Pro-Life and state officials will consider you a terrorist. See their "report".

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Republican Central Committee Supports Quinn on property taxes

During their last meeting, the St. Louis County Republican Central Committee members voted to support County Councilman Greg Quinn’s call for lower property assessments than currently offered.

While property values have been increasing 10% annually in some areas, County Executive Charlie Dooley proposed and passed a onetime 9% reduction in property assessments. Since it is apparent that property values have fallen from 25 to 30 percent, a 9 percent reduction seems manipulative at best.

State Senator Jane Cunningham, R-Chesterfield, thinks that if property values went up 22 percent in 2007, they should drop by that or more this year. However, the county is resisting such a drop. In a recent development, not only are county property assessments dropping very slowly, commercial property values are, according to the county, on the rise.

The Republican Central Committee will support Quinn in addressing these manipulative moves.

For more information:

Visit the county’s web site: www.stlouisco.com.

See Post-Dispatch Article

County Chief Operating Officer defends Phoney Assesment

Gibbons Gets the Job Done

Property Taxes

Can I Take my Taxes as a Chritable Deduction? <---My favorite

Monday, March 16, 2009

5000 show up for Cincinnati Tea Party

Thousands showed up on Fountain Square in support Sunday afternoon to express their frustration with the government's new stimulus bill. The tea parties are spreading across the country showing a revival of conservative sentiment. The crowds are also growing larger and angrier.

St. Louis will be holding their second rally on April 15. Change is taking place and it is not in Obama's favor.