Sunday, March 18, 2012

Post Caucus Thoughts

If you go to a caucus with intention of "making a difference" you are too late. This is what those "establishment" people understand and why they are upset. Our elections are sponsored by parties and to make a difference through the political process you have to work though your party. Are you a member of a local political club? Do get involved in your community? Do you go to city or school board meetings? Do you find candidates and support them for these positions. Do you make phone calls for your candidates? Hold coffees for them? Go door to door? Do you run for public office? If your local political party is inactive, what are you doing to change it? Do you go to your local Lincoln Days to meet candidates? Do you go to your state Lincoln Days to meet candidates? These "establishment" people are actually elected to their positions. They work for months to put the caucuses together and put together delegate slates and can only work with people they know. When, you show up at a caucus to make a difference, it is too late.

Univeristy City Candidate Debates

University City will be electing candidates for city council in April. A series of recent debates have been held showcasing candidates for Wards 1 & 2 in University City. Candidates for Ward 1 are Carol Wofsey and incumbent Terry Crow, Candidates for Ward 2 are Jan Adams and Paulette Carr. Major discussion is about the future of University City. Mostly the candidates agree that attracting new business was the order of the day. However, Wofsey thought there should be an emphasis on accounting and systems. Interestingly, candidates Crow, Wofsey and Adams have strong business backgrounds and are very well educated. However, they are all very liberal and by that nature will not be very business friendly. Crow has been on the council for a number of years and has little to show for any real business development in the city. While there are some projects on the books, general leadership an the council has declined. A shining star on the panel was Paulette Carr who had specifics on development and for several years has worked to expose problems with city management.