Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Voter Fraud OK According to Judge David Mason

Circuit Judge David Mason in St. Louis has sentenced a woman, who turned in voter registration cards in the name of dead local politicians, to probation, community service and relaxation training using transcendental meditation. Way to go Dave! Missouri citizens do not need fair and honest elections. More crack heads are always a plus.

According to the Assocoiated Press:

Michelle Robinson, 36, pleaded guilty Friday on charges of 13 violations of election law and of possession of crack cocaine and a crack pipe.

Robinson worked for a campaign called Operation Big Vote that aimed to boost the participation of black voters in the 2001 St. Louis mayoral election. But some of the cards she turned in on Feb. 7, 2001, were made out in the names of several dead former city aldermen, triggering state and federal criminal investigations.
Robinson admitted in court Friday that she had filled out 13 fraudulent cards, including ones for now-deceased Aldermen Albert "Red" Villa and Nellene Joyce, whose daughter is a St. Louis circuit attorney.

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