Tax protesters host "Tea Party" in Kiener Plaza in St. Louis, MO. Over 6000 people show up to express their point of view. Here are some pictures from the St. Louis Tea Party:
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William Richards – Governor and Antiquarian
2 hours ago
1 comment:
The U.S. Constitution limits the power of government, but government has consistently ignored those limitations. The only way to reverse the trend of ever-expanding government is to return to the Constitution.
All the energy on display this week cannot simply fade away. It must be channeled into a constructive focus that will make a difference. One way to help restore the U.S. Constitution is to require that every new legislative proposal specify the chapter and verse of the Constitution that authorizes the proposal. If every Congressman had to specify exactly where the Constitution authorizes his proposed legislation, there would be much less legislation proposed.
Arizona Representative John Shadegg has been trying to get Congress to enact such a law since 1994. Every Congress since 1994 has killed the bill in committee.
If all this Tea Party energy were focused on getting every Congressman to co-sponsor Representative Shadegg's bill, Judicial Committee Chairman John Conyers could not kill the bill. He would be forced to allow the bill to go to the House floor for a recorded vote.
Co-sponsorship of this bill - HR450 -- The Enumerated Powers Act - should become the litmus test that qualifies every candidate in every election. If your Representative and Senators will not co-sponsor this bill, or provide an acceptable written reason why they will not, those elected officials should be targeted for replacement.
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