Friday, December 04, 2009

University City Audit

University Township Republicans are sponsoring a public forum to talk about the upcoming Missouri State Audit of the City of University City, and to hear from a candidate for Mayor of University City. Come to listen and learn. Then let’s work together to make sure our tax dollars are managed well. It’s YOUR money.

University City Library 2nd floor Auditorium
Saturday, December 12th
10 AM until Noon

Paulette Carr, with University City Citizens for Transparency and Accountability, will discuss issues happening in our community and why the audit is needed. She will talk about the areas to be covered in the audit and the expected costs and benefits of the state audit. And she will share her thoughts on the importance of citizens holding our local government accountable

Shelley Welsch, a former City Councilmember and 2006 Mayoral candidate, will share her views on the audit. She will talk about her current campaign for Mayor of University City, and the issues at the top of her agenda including getting the city finances back on track; being proactive with plans for economic development and redevelopment in the city; how to improve communications between the city and its residents; and how you can get involved in the civic life of our community.

Everyone is welcome to attend.
For more information call 314-725-4169 or e-mail

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