Sunday, March 18, 2007

What ever happened to ACORN?

Speaking of Federal Attorneys not doing their jobs. What ever happened to the prosecutions of ACORN? The National Legal and Policy Center stated:

"The new 110th Congress convened earlier this month with something it hadn’t had in a dozen years: a Democratic-controlled House and Senate. But amid the party’s hoopla over Nancy Pelosi’s ascent to House Speaker is the reality that its Senate majority is a thin 51-49. That edge is partly the result of a close 2006 race in Missouri, where Democratic challenger Claire McCaskill defeated incumbent Republican Senator Jim Talent. By more than one account her margin of victory in some measure owed to voter fraud. And the likely culprit is an operator long familiar to the American political landscape: the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. Investigative reporting by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Wall Street Journal and other news sources reveals that the nationwide network of Leftist nonprofit groups aggressively played fast and loose with the voter registration process in the St. Louis and Kansas City areas. And Missouri isn’t the only state where ACORN has worked its strange magic. " Click here for more

According to sound evidence ACORN has eroded our citizens right to vote and
nothing is being done about it. It is time for more Federal Prosecutors to be fired.

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