Saturday, December 12, 2009

University City Manager faces removeal

With the financial problems faced by University City, manager, Julie Feier, faces removal. Monday, the city council voted to replace her. For more information see STLToday article:

Carnahan covers up disenfranchisement of military voters that occurred on her watch

JEFFERSON CITY—Secretary of State Robin Carnahan today attempted to cover up her the disenfranchisement of military voters that occurred on her watch. Carnahan held a joint press conference to boast about new federal reforms meant make the voting process easier for men and women stationed overseas—but she whitewashed her own failures to ensure that members of the armed forces can vote.

Carnahan’s record has been slammed by watchdogs and experts:

A January 2009 Pew Center on the States study of military voting ranked Missouri as one of the 9 worst states for military voters. The study, entitled No Time to Vote: Challenges Facing America’s Overseas Military Voters, slammed Missouri for being one of the “nine ‘no time to vote’ states that afford military voters fewer than 45 days to receive and mail back their completed ballots.”

In a subsequent news article, one of the report’s authors blasted the states like Missouri that did not give veterans enough time to vote: “We’re failing in our responsibility to ensure access to military voters living overseas. While these voters are serving America, America is not serving them.”

But rather than address the problems described in the report, Carnahan, the highest ranking elections official in the state, claimed she was powerless to implement reforms. Instead, her spokesman complained: “We can’t change the laws.”

Shortly after the bombshell report, Robin “We Can’t Change the Laws” Carnahan backed a bill to allow military voting by email and fax. However, that effort was criticized by State Rep John Diehl*, the former Chairman of the St Louis County Elections Board, who was concerned that fax and email “might not be secure and could waive a soldier’s right to a secret ballot.” (AP, February 17, 2009)

“Robin Carnahan has worked side-by-side with groups like ACORN, which engaged in a years-long effort to commit voter fraud, but she cannot find a way to ensure that the men and women of our military are able to access the ballot,” said Lloyd Smith, Executive Director of the Missouri Republican Party. “It is extremely important that Missourians serving in the military have a say in the direction of our state and nation, but on Carnahan’s watch, Missouri was ranked one of the worst states in the nation for military voting, and the legislation she supported may have put our soldiers’ sacred right to a secret ballot at risk. Robin Carnahan has failed the men and women of our military. She cannot be allowed to sweep her record under the rug by taking credit for federal legislation meant to address a broken system that Carnahan did nothing to fix.”

*As an alternative, Rep. Diehl proposed allowing members of the military stationed overseas to vote online, which would ensure more security and secrecy than the Carnahan-backed bill.

Additional information: “No Time to Vote: Missouri fact sheet” Pew Center on the States, January 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

New "Conservatives of America" web site

Now there is one meeting place for Conservatives across America aptly called Conservatives of America. Their website posts Blogs, allows you to post blogs and allows all local groups have a shared calendar. This will be a cross communications website so all of the various groups across and area can communicate. Visit their site and join!

There's outrage, indignation and distress throughout America with the direction our country is heading. There are millions of voices in the wilderness, all crying out for the same thing - a return to sanity and solid, uncompromising moral principles. Yet, lately, it seems that no one in Washington is listening. Yet, even with all our voices, we have been easy to ignore — until now.

Conservatives of America will unite the disaffected masses who embrace the conservative principles of Ronald Reagan: smaller government, lower taxes, family values and a strong national defense. We are not a political party. We are a strong, vibrant grassroots movement of honest, hard-working Americans who know right from wrong and seek to unite disparate voices into one strong united voice that will be heard — and reckoned with!

Friday, December 04, 2009

County Executive Dooley Pressures Employees for Contributions

University City Audit

University Township Republicans are sponsoring a public forum to talk about the upcoming Missouri State Audit of the City of University City, and to hear from a candidate for Mayor of University City. Come to listen and learn. Then let’s work together to make sure our tax dollars are managed well. It’s YOUR money.

University City Library 2nd floor Auditorium
Saturday, December 12th
10 AM until Noon

Paulette Carr, with University City Citizens for Transparency and Accountability, will discuss issues happening in our community and why the audit is needed. She will talk about the areas to be covered in the audit and the expected costs and benefits of the state audit. And she will share her thoughts on the importance of citizens holding our local government accountable

Shelley Welsch, a former City Councilmember and 2006 Mayoral candidate, will share her views on the audit. She will talk about her current campaign for Mayor of University City, and the issues at the top of her agenda including getting the city finances back on track; being proactive with plans for economic development and redevelopment in the city; how to improve communications between the city and its residents; and how you can get involved in the civic life of our community.

Everyone is welcome to attend.
For more information call 314-725-4169 or e-mail - University City residents demand state audit of city hall - University City residents demand state audit of city hall

Posted using ShareThis

Saturday, October 17, 2009


The object of the game is to destroy American capitalism by having the government take over everything. Wanna play? No? Too bad, you're already playing. And in this game, nobody wins.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dan O'Sullivan runs for State Representative

Due to an unexpected vacancy in Missouri's 73rd. Congressional District there will be a special election for this seat on November 3rd. The Republican candidate for this seat will be Dan O'Sullivan. Dan is a small businessman in St. Louis County. He is concerned with the County's property tax issues and states:

"I want to go to Jefferson City to tell them that we, the residents and business people of this area, are sick and tired of being ignored and we want someone that understands our concerns. I will speak clearly about our issues and bring an outside voice to the process. Issues that face our families, our seniors, and the defenseless are not going to be solved by persons who are unwilling to take on the issues and fight for them."
The 73rd District includes parts of Clayton, Richmond Heights, Maplewood, Brentwood and Webster Groves. The seat was vacated by Steve Brown due to campaign irregularities and an subsequent FBI investigation.

For more information on Dan, go to his website:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obama Money

Obama's subjects love Obama because he gives them money.

Clayton Jag Show

Jaguar Association of Greater St. Louis 35th Annual Concours d'Elegance held in Clayton at Brentwood Blvd. and Forsyth.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Let your voice be heard!

Many thanks to those that helped defeat the Proposition S tax increase!

This defeat will help limit wasteful spending in our community and make more money available for our local businesses (and more taxes from those businesses).

If you are interested in making a difference in our community consider joining University Township Republican Town Hall. We are very active in city, county, state and national activities.

Join us at:

University City Election Results

Proposition S election results



PRECINCTS COUNTED (OF 21) . . . . . 21 100.00
BALLOTS CAST-TOTAL . . . . . . . 2,978
VOTER TURNOUT-TOTAL . . . . . . . 8.69

YES . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 57.40
NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 42.60

YES . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,037 37.24
NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,748 62.76

Saturday, July 25, 2009

University City Proposition S Special Meeting

University City Residents for Transparency & Accountability invite you to a conversation regarding Proposition S, the only item on the ballot in the Special Election to be held on Tuesday, August 4th.

We know the position of the city administration. Now lets hear from YOU, the citizens! There have been many statements and concerns expressed by citizens in various venues. Now is the time to bring those concerns into the light and in one common place.

Who: U. City Residents for Transparency & Accountability
What: An honest discussion about Proposition S
When: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at 7pm - 9pm
Where: University City Library, 2nd Floor Auditorium

Please pass this on University City Residents who are concerned about Prop S.

For those interested in becoming more involved in University, County and State politics join is at University Township Republican Town Hall

Financial irregularities in University City may lead to audit

According to the Post-Dispatch:
Opponents of a quarter-cent local sales tax for municipal operations plan this weekend to start circulating petitions for a state audit of the city. Voters will consider the tax Aug. 4.

Paulette Carr is leading a group collecting required names required to start the audit. State auditors are requrieing 2,233 names.

For more information see: Foes of Univesity City sales-tax hike will seek state audir

Also See:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Massive amounts of government money drive up medical costs

Lee Presser has a very good point here about the high cost of health care.

Government loans and private educational loans tend to send massive amounts of money into our education system. This allows colleges and universities to increase tuition exponentially. Why shouldn't educators increase their fees if lifetime earnings are substantially increased? In the same way easy mortgage loans backed by the government unrealistically drove up the value of homes. Our health care system is heavily funded by the government. Nursing home stays are 90% funded by Medicare and Medicaid. There are even firms that will help you qualify. A large portion of hospital stays are funded by Medicare and Medicaid.

Lee has a very Good point:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Russ Carnanhan on Health Care

At his Town Hall meeting on Monday, Representative seems to be having a tough time selling ObamaCare:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Goldman Sachs Web

University City Proposition S Brochure Called Illegal

Last Friday (July 17th) University City Residents started receiving brochures titled "Frequently Asked Questions on Proposition S." Proposition S is a ballot measure to increase University City sales taxes 1/4 percent and will be on the August 4th ballot. There are a number of questions regarding this proposed tax increase including: why as a budget passed just a month ago with the knowledge that there would not be enough money to cover it?

Tom Sullivan, a citizen of University City, sent the City Manager a memo stating that he found the brochure to be be illegal for the following reasons:

1] You are unlawfully spending public funds to support the passage of Proposition S.

2] The brochure does not identify who paid for it, as required by law for any "printed matter relative to any candidate for public office or any ballot measure." There are no exceptions.

3] The City has apparently violated provisions of the Campaign Finance Disclosure Law, Chapter 130, RSMo, having to do with reporting of expenditures made to promote the passage of the proposal.

He went on to advise the City Manager:

I would urge you to get an opinion from your city attorney on the legality of the brochure. Should he claim it is legal, then the next step will be going to St. Louis County Circuit Court to get a restraining order. I also believe criminal issues can be raised surrounding these unlawful expenditures.

For his complete memo see: Tom Sullivan Memo

University City Information

A new website that acts as a clearinghouse for information on the City of University City has appeared on the net. Find them at:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sales tax increase to be on August ballot in University City

Paulette Carr writes:
There have been some real problems with the budget in University City. The City Manager, Julie Feier proposed, and and 4 members of the City Council (Wards 1 and 3) voted to pass a budget that is $1.3M in deficit. In order to offset this deficit they are taking and additional $60,000 from the Economic Redevelopment Retail Sales Tax Fund and moving that to the General Fund, AND they are counting on a sales tax increase of 0.25%, raising our sales tax rate to the highest in the metro St. Louis Area - they are counting on the taxes before even bringing the idea to a public vote! There has been not notification of Prop. S, though they are planning to send out a flier. August is typically a time when people are out of town on vacation, and so they are hoping that only those who know and support Prop. S will show up to the polls to vote.

For more information go to

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Conservative Ascendancy: How the GOP Right Made Political History

Whether you are Liberal or Conservative, Democrat or Republican, if you are a political junkie, you will like a book I just finished: “The Conservative Ascendancy: How the GOP Right Made Political History" by Donald T. Critchlow. This is a history of political maneuvering of individuals interested in countering Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and confronting Communism.

Critchlow documents show how these ideas drew various interest groups, many of whom were not Republicans, together. It follows the nomination of Barry Goldwater for President of the United States, support of Richard Nixon, the first big Conservative triumph of Ronald Reagan and on to the election George W. Bush.

This history covers the losses as well as triumphs of American Conservatives. It covers issues that brought them to power, that cost them elections and issues that divided the Republican Party itself. I think that anyone interested in politics will not be able to put this book down.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Show us the Bill Rally

Citizens are very concerned that massive legislation is being passed without those voting on it not even reading the bill. With health care reform looming on the horizon, citizens gathered in Clayton this morning to voice their discontent.

One of the sponsors was Show us the Bill.

Here are some pictures from the event:

Click here to see larger pictures
TO register your concern, go to Patients First.

Obama visits old slave trading post

During his visit to Africa, President Obama visited an old slave trading post and said this:

While not mentioning the United State of America, he did fail to mention that:
- Our Founding Fathers banned importation of slaves in The United States
- Slave trading actually ended in 1808
- Over many years United States citizens spilled their own blood to stop the institution of slavery
- Europeans were not actually the one involved in the establising of the slave trade on the African continent:

I would be nice to have a little honesty for a change.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Politicians Count Illegals in the Census to Make Money

McArthur's Bakery fears Cap & Trade legislation will harm business

Congressman, Russ Carnahan, Representative for the Third Congressional District, recently voted for Cap and Trade legislation. In a very poor economy, businesses are deeply concerned about the added expenses they will have to pay due to this policy.

Recently, St. Louis businessman, Dave McArthur of McArthur's Bakery put his feelings in lights:

Dave's sign and point of view have spread nationally. Here is an interiew on Fox News:

Friday, July 03, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obama Economy Stagnates

The Obama economy has stalled out. With Cap and Trade legislation and Helath Care legislation on the horizon there is no chance for growth.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Memo to: Russ Carnahan

It's June 29th and I have the windows open and there is cool breeze blowing through the house. I checked with Dave Murray to see what the future weather would be. Dave said it would be about the same.

Russ thank you for the Cap and Tax legislation on something you know nothing about!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Conyers drops ACORN investigation

Earlier this year, Judiciary Committee Chairman, John Conyers, promised an investigation into ACORN's connection to voting irregularities. This week, according to, he reneged on that commitment. Conyers stated that the probe was blocked by "Powers That Be" (himself).

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Is President Obama a Post Turtle?

You are driving down the road and you see a Turtle on a post:
You know he didn't get up there by himself,
He doesn't belong up there,
He doesn't know what to do while he's up there,
and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there to begin with

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Russ Carnahan Invites 1,000s to Join Him on a Conference Call

Yesterday the call went out to thousands of people to be sure to pick up the phone this evening for a conference call with Representative Russ Carnahan. Sure enough, at 6:45 the call came. It wasn't Russ on the phone, just his recorded voice saying to stay on the line to "get in on the call." You could ask questions but you had to push "0" to ask a question.

Listening for a few minutes, the theme of the calls was, "Don't allow imports, manufacture everything here, and the economy will be fine." Sounds simple enough. Limit our freedom to buy goods from where we wish and all will be OK.

I wanted to push "0" and ask, what if the stuff made here is more expensive? Will people still buy it? Or will the economy just stagnate further? I also wanted to ask about the excessive spending, what will he, Russ Carnahan, do about runaway inflation? What about energy? Will he allow more oil to be produced? Is he going to increase our cost of living through Cap and Trade? Is he going to allow this burden to crush our economy again?

I was going to push "0" and ask my questions but it was apparent the call was a setup. They were only going to allow questions to show his point of view so I turned on O'Reilly.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Cap and Trade Energy Tax

The Markey-Waxman “Cap-and-trade” Energy Tax bill, in the current form being considered by the House Energy and Commerce committee, would have the following catastrophic effects by 2035:

1.Reduce aggregate gross domestic product (GDP) by $9.6 trillion annually;

2.Destroy 1,105,000 American jobs per year on average, with peak years seeing unemployment rise by over 2,479,000 jobs;

3.Raise electricity rates 90 percent after adjusting for inflation;

4.Raise inflation-adjusted gasoline prices by 74 percent;

5.Raise residential natural gas prices by 55 percent;

6.Raise an average family's annual energy bill by $1,500 annually; and

7.Increase inflation-adjusted federal debt by 26 percent, or $29,150 additional federal debt per person, again after adjusting for inflation.

Source: Heritage Foundation

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Roy Blunt visits St. Louis

Senatorial candidate, Roy Blunt, addressed massive deficit spending on Saturday. He also discussed issues he will address during his campaign:

Follow University Township Republican Town Hall Meetup page for more events.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Warning: Illinois State Police issuing $375 tickets for 1 mile over speed limit!

According to an IDOT press release:

Under enhanced penalties passed by the Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Rod Blagojevich last year, first-time work zone speeders, including those caught on camera, will be hit with a fine of $375, with $125 of that sum going to pay off-duty State Troopers to provide added enforcement in construction or maintenance zones. Two-time offenders are subject to a $1,000 fine, including a $250 surcharge to hire Troopers, and the loss of their license for 90 days.
However, who is more dangerous? People not going through construction zones at the posted speed limit or State Police rocket jockeys?

A St. Clair County Grand Jury has indicted a state police officer for killing two teenage motorists in a rather spectacular crash. In typical fashion, the police tried to cover it up.

Are the police interested in safety or just fleecing motorist?

St. Louis' Lee Presser on the Constitution

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Obama Kills Fly

Attorney General Madigan meets with Don Obama

According to an article in, Illinois Attorney General met with President Obama regarding Roland Burris' Senate seat. Also in the meeting were Valerie Jarett, Obama's senior advisor and his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel.

This sound like something from The Godfather where Madigan goes to "The Don" to get his blessing to take the seat. Perhaps Obama will make Burris an offer he can't refuse.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Senator Durbin sells stock after economic briefing

According to Fox news:

Senator Dick Durbin's financial disclosure statements show that one day after he and fellow congressional leaders were urged by then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to craft bank-bailout legislation, he sold almost$ 43,000 worth of mutual fund shares. He then bought a similar amount in Berkshire Hathaway stock. Altogether Durbin sold investments worth $116,000 in September.

For more information see Durbin's Story on Fox News.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Pelosi Mobile

Nancy Pelosi and the congress have been kind enough to present us with the car of the future:

Be sure to write your local congressman and thank them!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Stimulus Package Could be Bad for your Health!

As you may or may not know, the recently passed "Stimulus Bill" has provisions that will ration health care benefits. According to the editorial in Bloomberg News:
"Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan," Betsy McCaughey states:

Tragically, no one from either party is objecting to the health provisions slipped in without discussion. These provisions reflect the handiwork of Tom Daschle, until recently the nominee to head the Health and Human Services Department.

Senators should read these provisions and vote against them because they are dangerous to your health.
Daschle says health-care reform “will not be pain free.” Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them. That means the elderly will bear the brunt.
Is this the change that was voted for? If this concerns you contact your Senator or Representative right away. To find your Congressman go to:

For more information see:
The Public Health Care Plan: What Seems to Be the Problem?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Voter fraud discoverd in the City of St. Louis, points to higher government officials

ACORN's main defense on the voter fraud issue has been that, none of their illegally registered voters actually voted. Now the City of St. Louis Board of Election Commissioner has found over 30 counts of election fraud;

The commissioners are talking about referring the case to the US Attorney in St. Louis. These guys have known about this for years and refuse to do anything about it. Our Secretary of state has been "investigating" ACORN and voter fraud and found nothing.

Here is what the Missouri GOP has to say:
Today’s announcement by the St. Louis City Board of Elections makes it clear that voter fraud continues to thrive in Missouri, despite Robin Carnahan’s attempts to cover up the problem. Earlier this year, she issued an incomplete and less-than-professional report claiming that the state’s elections are ‘free of fraud.’ We now know that this is simply not true. Carnahan, the chief elections officer in the State of Missouri, has diminished the impact of voters who abide by the law, instead, attempting to whitewash her record of overlooking the existence of voter fraud in Missouri.

We commend the St. Louis Board of Election’s diligence in the face of Carnahan’s indifference, and we hope that the U.S. Attorney fully investigates these allegations.

Monday, May 18, 2009

St. Louis County GOP on Twitter

The St. Louis County Republican Central Committee is now on Twitter. You can find them at STLGOP.

If you are not familiar with Twitter, this may be a good opportunity to give it a try. (

Monday, May 04, 2009

Barack Obama Reduces Deficit

Barack Obama proposes a 100 million dollars in savings in the national budget. With a two to three trillion dollar proposed deficit, Obama shows true leadership.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

County taxing districts are raising taxes without a vote

While our property values are dropping due to our national financial problems (see article below) our county taxing autorities are countering by increasing their tax rates. School districts, municipalities, fire districts are raising taxes.

There are two components to your property tax. One is the assessed value of your home and the other is the tax rate per $100 valuation of your home. Last year the tax rate was $6.9808 per $100 valuation of your property. To calculate your tax, take your assessed value, divide by 100 and multiply by the tax rate. If your assessed value was $45,370, you would calculate $45,370/100= 453.7 X 6.9809 = $3,167.20 tax. Those tax rates are now increasing.

See Post-Dispatch artice for more information

Monday, April 27, 2009

Obama to visit St. Louis on Wednesday

To mark his first 100 days in office, President Barack Obama will be holding a townhall forum in Arnold. The event is open to the public but you will need tickets.

Bill Hennessey and his Tea Party group a planning a warm welcome. To join him, go to his St. Louis Tea Party web site. For more details go to Gateway Pundit.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Voters overwhelmingly approve historic tax decrease

A real-life taxpayer revolution took place on April 7 in South St. Louis County. Voters in the Mehlville Fire Protection District went to the polls and overwhelmingly approved a tax decrease—likely the first of its kind in Missouri history.

The effort began three years ago, when the board attempted to place a tax decrease proposal on the ballot; however, a judge ruled that voters did not have the legal authority to lower taxes. So the Missouri General Assembly responded, passing a law ensuring that voters had the option to reduce their taxes. The fire district acted again, and when the votes were counted, the tax decrease passed with nearly 80% of the vote.

The Missouri Republican Party commends the Mehlville Fire Protection District’s Board of Directors for their responsible use of taxpayer money and for their resolve in fighting the groups that sought to prevent the vote from ever occurring.

Read more in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Sunday, April 19, 2009

GO! St. Louis marathoners pass through University City

Thousands of GO! St. Louis marathoners pass through University City on Sunday morning. The marathon is part of GO! St. Louis Marathon & Family Fitness Weekend. The 26.2 mile course passed through the Arch Grounds, Forest Park, Washington University City Campus, Anheuser Busch Brewery, Downtown Clayton and the University City Loop.

A group of enthusiastic spectators cheer-on and assist runners:

For larger marathon pictures go to:

Saturday, April 18, 2009

St. Louis County Property Tax Assessments Available On-line

For those that are not aware of it, St. Louis County property appraisals have been done and are available on-line. You can find your assessment at: It includes appraised and assessed value with comparison to last year. This way you can see if your valuation is going up or down and by how much. Also there are links to Comparable Sales and other sales in the area. You should look carefully at this data.

There are two components to your property tax. One is the assessed value of your home and the other is the tax rate per $100 valuation of your home. Last year the tax rate was $6.9808 per $100 valuation of your property. To calculate your tax, take your assessed value, divide by 100 and multiply by the tax rate. If your assessed value was $45,370, you would calculate $45,370/100= 453.7 X 6.9809 = $3,167.20 tax. Unfortunately, the county has not calculated the tax rate yet and while you do not have a lot of control over the tax rate, there are ways for you to control your assessed value.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

St. Louis holds Tea Party

Tax protesters host "Tea Party" in Kiener Plaza in St. Louis, MO. Over 6000 people show up to express their point of view. Here are some pictures from the St. Louis Tea Party:

See larger version of pictures

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Homeland Security issues warning on Right Wing Terrorists (Conservatives)

Homeland Security issues warning about conservatives going to Tea Parties.

While everyday Americans worry about the radical change in their country, the administration attempts to intimidate:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Missouri Republican Party requests information shared between Carnahan and ACORN

Missouri Republican Party submitted an Open Records Request seeking documents pertaining to ACORN or its affiliated organizations and all contacts between Secretary of State Robin Carnahan’s office and members of ACORN.

“Our request will shed light on why ACORN’s ongoing and well-documented voter registration fraud merited no response in her 205 page analysis of the 2008 elections,” said Lloyd Smith, Executive Director of the Missouri Republican Party. “We believe it is important to determine if Secretary of State Carnahan’s cozy relationship with ACORN has clouded her judgment.”

See MRP article

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Young adults split on capitalism vs socialism according to Rasmussen poll

Recent polling done by Rasmussen Reports found the adults under 30 favored capitalism over socialism 37% to 33%. Adults favored capitalism (53%) over socialism (20%). 27% were not sure.

Free trade and freedom of association (capitalism) built this country and gave us the standard of living we enjoy today. This lack of understanding of how freedom works reflects a complete failure of our education system.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Tea Party Update

The Tea Party People are still on schedule for April 15th in Kiener Plaza. If you are concerned about the excessive spending I strongly urge that you go to this event a be part of the movement. This is what the liberals do to get attention, now it our turn.

Also, St. Louis seems to be Ground Zero for national coverage so we need to make a good impression. There is a lot of information on the Tea Party website, so I suggest you go there.

See Tea Party organizer, Bill Hennessy on Glenn beck's show:

St. Louis County Election Results

Election results for University City School District:

Vote for 2
LINDA R. PEOPLES . . . . . . . . 1,918 23.38%
MEG McCLELLAND. . . . . . . . . 1,458 17.78%
ELLEN BERN . . . . . . . . . . 1,768 21.56%
SHLOMO SOROKA . . . . . . . . . 1,344 16.39%
MARK R. BARNES. . . . . . . . . 1,317 16.06%
JACKIE SCOTT . . . . . . . . . 357 4.35%
WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . . . . 40 .49%

Vote for 1
YES . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,177 64.27
NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,766 35.73

For more election results go to St. Louis County Election Results.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Claire McCaskill and Robin Carnahan over their heads in ACORNs

From the Missouri Republican Party:

Jefferson City
- This morning, Secretary of State Robin Carnahan released an analysis of the 2008 elections that ignores the threat posed by voter registration fraud in Missouri. This comes despite an organized effort by groups such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) to submit thousands of fraudulent voter registrations to county election boards across this state. Carnahan’s report, which does not mention ACORN, also comes a week after a former organizer for ACORN pleaded guilty to federal charges for submitting fraudulent voter registrations in the St. Louis area—the latest in a long line of serious voter fraud allegations for the left-wing group

For more information see MRP article

FACT SHEET: Robin Carnahan turns blind eye to ACORN voter registration fraud


  • St Louis City election officials discover almost 1,500 fraudulent voter registration cards turned in by ACORN workers (AP, October 11, 2006)
  • St Louis County election officials find hundreds of fraudulent address changes, most of which were submitted by ACORN (Post-Dispatch, October 25, 2006)
  • Secretary of State Robin Carnahan orders St. Louis Elections Board to approve more than 5,000 of fraudulent voter registration cards submitted by ACORN. (
  • FBI launches investigation into ACORN voter registration fraud (KC Star, October 24, 2006)
  • ACORN workers caught on tape admitting they were urged to solicit votes for Claire McCaskill’s campaign for U.S. Senate (
  • Four ACORN workers indicted for submitting as many as 1,000 fraudulent voter registration cards in the Kansas City area Each later pleads guilty (KC Star, November 2, 2006)


  • Kansas City ACORN worker indicted for election fraud and identity theft (AP, January 6, 2007)


  • Eight employees of ACORN plead guilty to election fraud in federal court. Their activities included submitting registration cards with forged signatures and false names. (Post-Dispatch, April, 2, 2008)
  • Jackson County reports 100s of fraudulent registrations from ACORN (AP, October 9, 2008)
  • FBI launches national investigation into ACORN voter registration fraud, seeks evidence from Kansas City elections board (KC Star, October 17, 2008)


  • ACORN worker pleads guilty to federal charges for submitting fraudulent voter registrations. (AP, March 24, 2009)

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Are we in crisis?

The chart above shows the stock market (S&P 500) from about 1945 to today. Note that it is mostly flat until 1983. This is about the time Regan drastically reduced taxes. Then it steadily increases until 1995. At that time it takes an unusual upward spike until the last year of the Clinton administration. At that time it takes an unusually fast drop (helped along by 9-11). Then another spike and another even faster drop. The time of erratic peaks and valleys is a time of excessive growth of the money supply and external pressures on the market.

All being said, is additional market manipulation by the Fed and the government even necessary. It does not look like that is the case.

Money supply from the Fed (hot off the presses).

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Claire McCaskill supports ACORN

Knowing of ACORNs criminal activity, Claire McCaskill voted down a bill (HR 1388) in the Senate that would restrict stimulus funds from being funneled to the organization. In addition to fraudulent voter activity, ACORN hired out to protest specific targets. While ACORN denies that they take any type of tax money, DISCOVERTHENETWORKS.ORG tells the story.

See ACORNs involvement with bank collapse

Monday, March 30, 2009

U City Bond Issue Stirs Debate

From STLToday:

— A proposal to demolish Pershing and Barbara C. Jordan elementary schools and replace them with new schools has sharply divided the community and is under attack by historic preservation groups.

The plans are part of a $53.6 million bond issue proposal on the ballot April 7.

The money also would be used to renovate four other schools: Jackson Park and Flynn Park elementary schools, Brittany Woods Middle School and University City High School. School officials say some of the buildings are becoming decrepit and students need more up-to-date facilities.

Read more from STLToday

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obama fires GM CEO

Automotive genius and economic expert, Barack Obama, has fired GM CEO, Rick Wagoner.

From Fox News:

GM CEO Rick Wagoner is stepping down immediately, sources told FOX Business on Sunday, and is being succeeded by the company’s Chief Operating Officer, Fritz Henderson.

GM declined to comment on the reports about Wagoner’s resignation.

A White House official told FOX Business that Wagoner was asked by the Administration to step down as a precondition for the company to continue to get help with its restructuring.

Go to Fox News Article

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

University City passes on opportunity to reduce taxes

With a University City School bond about to be paid off, the school board has chosen to completely tear down two school buildings and rebuild them. Instead of passing this savings on to the citizens, the board proposes this new construction and the related capital expense.

The school board states that disrepair of the buildings is the reason for this action. However, the question is, why have these buildings not been properly maintained?

Considering the state of the economy, a tax savings to the citizens would be very helpful.

Last night the City Council voted to support the issue.

See: U. City backs school improvement plan

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Obama budget would generate unsustainably large deficits


Washington -- President Barack Obama's budget would generate unsustainably large deficits averaging almost $1-trillion a year over the next decade, according to the latest congressional estimates. The Congressional Budget Office figures predict Mr. Obama's budget will produce $9.3-trillion worth of red ink over 2010-2019. That's $2.3-trillion worse than the White House predicted in its budget. Worst of all, the CBO says the deficit under Mr. Obama's policies would never go below 4 per cent of the size of the economy, figures that economists agree are unsustainable. By the end of the decade, the deficit would exceed 5 per cent of gross domestic product, a dangerously high level. The figures could imperil efforts to enact Mr. Obama's budget.

Obama goon squads take to street

Obama's initiates loyalty oaths in order to continue his far reaching objectives. Organizing efforts can be see at!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lets not forget who did this

Get Involved

Are you worried about the economy or the direction our federal or Missouri government is taking us?

The Republican Party is represented by a group of dedicated individuals that will help you get involved. They can show you how to help with elections, write letters and get you involved with upcoming elections. They can even help you run for office.

Contact them at:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Revolution is on the way

Just don't let the State Police find you!

Are you a terrorist?

Fly this flag, participate in a "Tea Party", make it known publicly that you are Pro-Life and state officials will consider you a terrorist. See their "report".

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Republican Central Committee Supports Quinn on property taxes

During their last meeting, the St. Louis County Republican Central Committee members voted to support County Councilman Greg Quinn’s call for lower property assessments than currently offered.

While property values have been increasing 10% annually in some areas, County Executive Charlie Dooley proposed and passed a onetime 9% reduction in property assessments. Since it is apparent that property values have fallen from 25 to 30 percent, a 9 percent reduction seems manipulative at best.

State Senator Jane Cunningham, R-Chesterfield, thinks that if property values went up 22 percent in 2007, they should drop by that or more this year. However, the county is resisting such a drop. In a recent development, not only are county property assessments dropping very slowly, commercial property values are, according to the county, on the rise.

The Republican Central Committee will support Quinn in addressing these manipulative moves.

For more information:

Visit the county’s web site:

See Post-Dispatch Article

County Chief Operating Officer defends Phoney Assesment

Gibbons Gets the Job Done

Property Taxes

Can I Take my Taxes as a Chritable Deduction? <---My favorite

Monday, March 16, 2009

5000 show up for Cincinnati Tea Party

Thousands showed up on Fountain Square in support Sunday afternoon to express their frustration with the government's new stimulus bill. The tea parties are spreading across the country showing a revival of conservative sentiment. The crowds are also growing larger and angrier.

St. Louis will be holding their second rally on April 15. Change is taking place and it is not in Obama's favor.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stimulus Watch was built to help the new administration keep its pledge to invest stimulus money smartly, and to hold public officials to account for the taxpayer money they spend.

RNC Celebrates 153rd Anniversary

From our friend, Michael Zak:

Grand Old Partisan salutes the Republican National Committee, established on this day in 1856 to coordinate nationwide opposition to the pro-slavery policies of the Democrats.

Republicans from many state parties held their first national organizational meeting in Pittsburgh on February 22, 1856. Presiding over this preliminary session was former U.S. Senator Lawrence Brainerd (VT), a resolute anti-slavery activist.

The next day, delegates chose the first Republican National Committee. New York's Republican state Chairman, Edwin Morgan, was then elected the first Chairman of the RNC. He had the immense responsibility of organizing the first Republican National Convention, to be held just four months later in Philadelphia. Morgan would be elected Governor of New York and U.S. Senator.

So, today is the 153rd anniversary of the RNC. We honor - or should honor - the patriots, the heroes, the visionaries who gave us our Grand Old Party.

Michael Zak is a popular speaker to Republican organizations around the country. He is the author of Back to Basics for the Republican Party. Each day, his Grand Old Partisan blog celebrates 155 years of Republican heroes and heroics. See for more information.

Friday, February 13, 2009

University Township Meeting

The next meeting of
University Town Hall

will be held:
March 7 at 10:00 am

Centennial Commons

University City

for more information join us at our Meetup website

Monday, February 02, 2009

Bob Wagner runs for Mayor

Robert (Bob) Wagner announced his candidacy for University City Mayor. Bob is a 40 year home owner in University City and has served 6 terms on the City Council. The election will be in 2010.

For more information see Bob's web site. (

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Every Sunday at 1:30 our Zoo lets the Penguins loose

Michael Steele elected Friday as the first black chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Steele biography from Fox News:

Michael S. Steele served as Lieutenant Governor of Maryland from 2003 through 2007.

Steele is chairman of GOPAC.

When Steele was elected Lieutenant Governor of Maryland in 2003, he became the first African American elected to state-wide office in that state.

He is currently a partner in the international law firm of Dewey & LeBoeuf in Washington, D.C.

From 1991-1997, Steele was a corporate securities attorney at the international law firm of Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton in Washington, D.C., specializing in sophisticated financial transactions on behalf of Wall Street underwriters.

He also was a corporate finance counsel for the Mills Corporation and founded his own company, The Steele Group, a business and legal consulting firm.

His writings on law, business and politics have appeared in The Washington Times,,, and The Journal of International Security Affairs, among others.

Named a 2005 Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellow in Public Leadership and awarded the 2005 Bethune-DuBois Institute Award for his ongoing work in the development of quality education in Maryland, Steele has served on a variety of boards and commissions, including the Export-Import Bank Advisory Board, the U.S. Naval Academy Board of Visitors, and the Republican National Committee.

Born in 1958 at Andrews Air Force Base in Prince Georges County, Maryland, Steele was raised in Washington, D.C.

He spent three years as a seminarian in the Order of St. Augustine in preparation for the priesthood, but ultimately chose a career in law instead.

He earned his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1991.

Steele serves on the Administrative Board of the Maryland Catholic Conference and is a member of St. Marys Catholic Church in Landover Hills, MD, where he attends mass regularly with his wife Andrea and their two sons.